Thursday, June 09, 2005

Goings on

I am relieved. I am at ease for the first time today. I was so nervous because I had to be a witness in a state hearing today. I always get nervous when it comes to anything where I may have to speak in front of people (case in high school graduation where I was salutatorian and had to give a speech, and when I got to the podium, my speech was not there and I totally messed it up - ugh). The hearing thing was not bad at all. They didn't even ask me any questions. So, now I feel better, and I can relax. AHHHH. Maybe I will be able to sleep tonite - lol.

The weather has been crazy. For a while, it was getting up into the 90's, but this week it has been in the high 70's and low 80's. But this weekend, it is supposed to get back up to the 90's again, and is supposed to stay in the 90's all next week, too. Yesterday it got all cloudy and windy, and today it is kinda windy too. Weathermen here must be going nuts.

Tomorrow is Friday! Woo hoo! Next week is a 4-day work week, and then I am on vacation! Of course, I have to go to the opthamologist next Wednesday, and that is gonna suck big time. I hate having my eyes dilated! Sometimes, it sucks to be me - lol.

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