Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Stupid News Story of The Day

(She's just crazy about goats...or maybe she's just crazy)

Woman lays waste to property with 43 goats

BERLIN (Reuters) - A German woman living with 43 goats was evicted from her rented house after the animals left "knee-high" piles of droppings around the garden and laid waste to the building's interior, authorities said Tuesday.

A court in the southwestern town of Saarburg said the woman had been forced out because she was behind on her rent and had allowed the condition of the house to deteriorate to such an extent that it may have to be torn down.

"The goats' droppings were basically piled up knee-high around the garden, and inside the house everything was chewed up. And it stank," said court spokesman Manfred Grueter.

"It was total chaos," he added. "It's pretty doubtful as to whether the place can still be lived in."

The woman, a freelance artist in her early forties, had resisted eviction on the grounds her life with the goats had been used to create a "social sculpture" inspired by the German sculptor Joseph Beuys.

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