Friday, January 27, 2006

Ahhhh - Friday is nice to have a Friday off. I slept in til like 9 am this morning, and I LIKED IT! It was great just to lie in bed and know you don't have to go to work.

I actually went to the Post Office today and mailed off Cyndi's package (yes, Cyndi, your Christmas present will FINALLY get to you - hehe). I also went to get my oil changed (ok, my car's oil changed, not mine). I had been lagging in that area, too. So, Cyndi, you weren't the only one getting car was, too. lol. Everything went ok, but I was kinda peeved that they didn't call my name when my car was done. I was sitting there in the waiting room wondering just what the heck was taking so long, and I happened to get up and look out the window, and there was my car...just sitting there. Grrrr... I also ran into my parents at the car dealer, thus proving just how small a world it really is. They were there to ask about their car which they had to take in because the car had a leak in one of its hoses (don't ask me which hose - I know nothing more about cars than where to put the gas).

So, after going to the post office and to the car dealer, I drove down to the bagel shop to get me some bagels, but they were out the everything bagels, my favorites, so I was forced to get plain ones. I guess plain is better than none.

I had several instances of road rage today. It seems like everyone and their mother wanted to cut in front of me. This one dude decided to turn right in front of me, forcing me to slam on my brakes and to flip him off...hey, HE was the one who made me do it! Then I had some people who thought they were Speed Racer or something, doing like 65 in the city to get in front of me, only to have to stop at the red light anyway. They didn't even get a flip off from me...just a rolling of my eyes. What idiots.

On a sad note, my hamster, Squeakers, died today. She was old though. She had been getting slower and her hair was turning gray. Hamsters only live 2-3 years and I had had her for over 2 1/2 years, so I knew she was going to go soon. Still, I was sad. She was a good hamster, always friendly and affectionate. Lil Oreo is not as friendly as Squeakers was. She likes to nip at my fingers, not out of meanness though. She thinks they are food - lol. Hopefully, one day she will learn that my fingers are not food!

Rest in peace, Squeakers. Rest in peace.

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