Thursday, January 12, 2006

Another day, another fifty cents

Well, here I am back at the great OC...and I am using the word "great" with much sarcasm. I am so unmotivated lately. I think the reason why I haven't had much road rage lately isn't because I have turned is because I am unmotivated enough to even care about cars cutting in front of me and the like. I am sleepy and feel like crap. I just want to do nothing. I haven't even taken down my Christmas tree or fixed that bar in my closet yet. Yes, I have officially become jaded. Hopefully it will pass soon. Can't let Bakersfield drivers know that I have given my flip off finger a break.

I heard they are doing a sequel to Clerks. I have mixed feelings about this venture. While I loved the original Clerks (it is one of my all-time favorite movies) and would love to see Dante and Randal back at the good ole' Quick Stop, I dont' know if they can do the movie justice. I mean, just look how many crappy sequels there have been to really good movies (The Black Stallion Returns, to give you an example). And besides, Kevin Smith's last movie, Jersey Girl, sucked ass. I hope he does a better job on Clerks 2 than he did with that piece of crap.

Oh well. Back to my boring

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