Thursday, January 12, 2006

Funny Stuff From Dave Barry

"Another piece of art at the art show was a ratty old collapsed armchair - worn, dirty, leaking stuffing, possibly housing active vermin colonies. I asked the gallery person if the chair was art, and she said, yes, it was a work of art titled Chair. I asked her what role the artist had played in creating Chair. She said, "He found it." She noted that Chair had been professionally crated and shipped to the art show. Chair is for sale. The price is $2,800. Really. I looked up Chair on a Serious Art website, which said: "The chair offers not a weedy patina of desuetude but an apotheosis of its former occupant." See, I missed that altogether, about the desuetude and the apotheosis. I thought it was just a crappy old junk chair some guy took off a trash pile and was now trying to see for 2,800 clams."

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