Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Out with the road rage and in with the song rage

I am happy to report that I had no incidents of road rage so far this week. I know. I am as shocked as you are. What is wrong with me? Have I suddenly become mellow? Nah. I think "mellow" would be pushing it. "Slightly kinder and gentler," maybe. And I stress the word "slightly." I don't think anyone would call me "mellow." I have been called "feisty" (which is a kinder and gentler way to call you a bitch), which I think suits me better. but "mellow?" Don't think so.

I did have a case of "song rage" this morning. You know what "song rage" is. It's when you get a song, usually a really awful song or a song you haven't even thought about in years, stuck in your head. Well I had song rage this morning. I don't know where it came from or how it got there, but all morning, all that was going through my head was," Who put the 'ram' in the ram a lam a ding dong, who put the 'bop' in the bop se bop se bop." What the hell??? I haven't thought about that song in sooo long. And, besides. I HATE that song. Grrrrrrrrrr. How come the crappy ass songs get stuck in my head? Is it some form of torture? And why am I being tortured? Why, I ask you...why???

I went to the store last night to pick up some soda and some toilet paper and a book of stamps, you know since the postage rate went up and all. Well, to my unsurprise, they didn't even have any stamps. No old new ones. None. Crapola. I went to the post office the other night to get some 2 cent stamps, but to my even more unsurprise, they were sold out. I smell a conspiracy here. They up and raised the price of a stamp to 39 cents and you can't even get any 2 cent stamps cuz they are continually sold out of them. You can get a book of 39 cent stamps from the vending machine though (if you have the cashola on you to get them, that is...I had a $20 bill the other night, and there was no way I was chancing putting that puppy in the machine...last year I put a $10 in there and it ripped me money back...nada....GRRR!). I figured I would get a book of 39 cent stamps and then when the demand for the 2 cent stamps wore out, I would get some and use up my old 37 cent ones. Well, you can't even get a book of stamps at the grocery store. So much for my plan. Yes, I smell a conspiracy. And it stinks!

And on a totally off note...when are they gonna stop making those Burger King commercials with that plastic man-looking king dude? That guy scares the crap burgers outta me. I had a nightmare about him the other night. Stop the king! Stop the insanity! Let me sleep in peace!!

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