Wednesday, February 08, 2006

American Idol goes to Boston

Well, American Idol went to Boston on last night's episode. There were a few good moments...the basketball girl, Ayla (I think her name was)...she was decent...not great, but decent. And the guy who sang that Josh Grobain song, he did a good job. But overall, it was just bad. I don't even think I heard Simon say "yes" to even one person.

There was the guy who sang a Cher song. Bad choice. If you want to make it as a singer, you have to sound different from other singers. If you want to copy a singer's voice, then Vegas would be better suited for you. I think Simon's advice to him, to be a female impersonator, was actually right up his alley. There are lots of impersonators in Vegas, and they get paid pretty decently. And, besides, I don't think being told that you sound like Cher is a compliment. I can't stand her voice.

Then there was that foreign chick who sang "Chain of Fools" and some other song...well she was just horrible, and her pathetic attempts to try to dance and act sexy just came off as...well...pathetic. In the end, all of the judges said "no," and she stormed out of the room, high heels, short dress and all.

There was also the guy who used , "I've gotta pee," as an excuse for his lousy performance, and the judges let him go use the bathroom and then come back and try again. He should have went to the bathroom and never come back, because he was even worse the second time around.

There was also Mr White-Rapper-Wannabe-Next-Vanilla-Ice. I just didn't understand where he thought he was good. His rapping sucked and he looked like a 4th of July tablecloth exploded on him. And besides, American Idol is a singing competition.

One can only hope that these people try a new career.

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