Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Cheney's got a gun...

Cheney's got a gun. Hunters are on the run. Cuz, Cheney's got a gun. So run away, run away from his aim...yeah...yeah...yeah...yeah...yeah. Run away, run away, run, run away...

Sorry....had to do it. I was humming that song in my car on the way to work this morning and thought about Dick Cheney and his little hunting "accident." Sounds a little weird to me. But then, it is Dick Cheney. Maybe he started to have a heart attack and his trigger finger slipped or something. Or maybe he needs some new glasses. I heard that some other dude shot his hunting partner, mistaking his elbow for a squirrel. It's true! I like to do a Stupid News Story everyday in my my blogger blog. You can read about it there (it is funny!) Keep Cheney and this guy away from guns, please. Give them water pistols if they feel the need to hold a gun. Let them play those shooting games at the arcade, but for heaven's sake, don't let them go hunting!!!

Well, American Idol was on last night. I am hating those twin guys more and more everytime I see that show. They are such pansy-ass whiners. I am glad Simon called them out on their bad attitudes. But, I wish Simon would go smack 'em upside the head a few times. Bring their egos back down to earth. Somebody please!!! God, I hate those guys.

I was sorry to see the cowboy dude, Garet, go. But, his voice wasn't that great. Still, he made it to Hollywood and got to see the ocean and more people probably than he has ever seen in his whole life. Kudos to him. He has a great personality, and I would pick him over either of those twins any day.

That girl, Paris....she can sing. I think she will make it to the top 10. That is my prediction. That guy, Ace, he is good, too. We'll see how everyone does in tonight's episode.

But please, judges. Send the twins packing before someone gets hurt.

In other news, Rufus, the bull terrier, took Best In Show at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. It is like the Kentucky Derby of dog shows. I love to watch the dog shows. Mostly because I just love dogs. But I also like to watch to gain some knowledge on the breeds. Did you know that there is a dog called a Lowchen? Neither did I til I watched the dog show. I was rooting for the Norfolk Terrier named, Coco, but she didn't make it into the finals. I think she took second in the terrier group behind Rufus. She is sooooooo cute!!!!! I want a a dog! lol.

I talked to my grandma briefly last night to wish her a happy Valentine's Day. Her speech is getting really bad. My parents got her a hospital bed to put in her room so it would be more comfortable for her. I guess she has a bedsore and has thrush in her mouth from the antibiotics, which is why it is probably hard for her to talk. She just kept saying how good it was to hear from me and that she was looking foward to seeing me on Thursday.

I couldn't sleep last night. For one, Lil Oreo was running in her wheel all night and it kept hitting the glass of the cage and making this "thumping" sound. So, I shut the door to my room and that helped. But I guess most of the insomnia was just from doing too much thinking. It is best to go to sleep on an empty head. unfortunately, mine is full of thought these days.

I hope I can sleep tonight.

And I hope those twins get booted off of American Idol.

One can wish, can't they?

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