Wednesday, March 01, 2006

American Idol recap

Last night's American Idol seemed to have a country theme. Even Mandisa sang a country song. Overall, the singers were ok, but I wasn't blown away by any of them in particular. I think Melissa did a great job on her song (Why Haven't I Heard From You), and so did Kellie (Something To Talk About). Kellie is so likeable and naive and so darned cute. Even if her voice isn't the very best, it is still good. Mandisa was good, but I think she oversang her song (Cry). Ayla was really good on her song (I Want You To Need Me). She was my favorite of the night. Of course, I love Paris, simply because she is so sweet and nice and always full of life. Her song, The Wind Beneath My Wings, was right on spot. Katharine wasn't remarkable, but I still like her the best overall. I still hate Brenna, and judging by last night's performance, I doubt she'll be around much longer (thank you!!!). The rest of the girls, Lisa, Kinnik, Heather, were all good, but none of them stood out.

I think the 2 that will most likely be voted off will be Heather and least those are my choices.

Tonight is the guy's night. Woo hoo. Ace....he is just so darned handsome, and Chris, well his voice rocks.

I hope it's a good night for the guys.

(yes, I really have nothing better to write about today than this - lol)

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