Thursday, March 02, 2006

Kim's 10 Commandments of Driving

1. Thou shall always use thy turn signal, especially when changing lanes on the freeway.

2. Thou shalt not run red lights.

3. Thou shall pay attention to the road and not to thy cell phone.

4. Thou shalt not tailgate.

5. Thou shalt not cut thy neighbor off.

6. Thou shall always use the other driver's name in vain when he or she makes you slam on thy brakes and spill thy coffee in thy lap.

7. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's spinners. There are already enough spinners in the world. Thou doest not need them.

8. Thou shalt not kill...instead, use thy middle finger to get thy point across.

9. Thou shalt not drink alcohol and drive.

10. Thou shalt not take up 2 parking spaces in the parking lot.

yes, I had a few road rage moments on the freeway this morning, thus the above list - lol.

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