Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The finale, finally

Well, tonight's American Idol finale had its ups and downs. Both Taylor and Katharine sang well, but the only show stopping, superstar performance was Katharine singing "Somewhere Over The Rainbow," which she did even better this time around. However, I think Taylor is gonna win. He had the most solid performances tonight, even if his second performance was rather lackluster. I did not like Katharine's final song at all. She was definitely better than that song. It was just plain boring. I don't know why she chose that one. Taylor did definitely better on his final song, and I think that is what the voters will remember. Sure, Katharine did the best peformance of the competition and has a great, strong voice, but will that be enough to carry her into the winner's circle...I don't think so. Bottom line: People love Taylor. Taylor is gonna win.

But then, this is American Idol. If Chris can get kicked off, anything can happen.

1 comment:

Netter said...

I hated Katherine's last song...but it wasn't just that it was a bad song...was it me or did she have issues singing it. I mean, it was baaaaaad. I think that is why she was so visibly upset before she even heard from the judges...she knew she tanked it.

I think you are right though, Taylor has a good chance to win.

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