Sunday, May 21, 2006

Oh the weather outside is lovely

Oh my gosh, the weather outside is great today - ok, well it's not's kinda rainy and humid, but it is nice and cool. I have the windows open....all of the windows and I am still in my pjs and have actually been doing some housework today. Fathom that! Housework. Am I nuts? Yes. But I am a happy-in-my-pjs nut - hehe. Hopefully, there will be some thunderstorms later on. I love to watch the lightning and hear the thunder. Love it! Of course, it will be right back up to the 90's soon, so better enjoy this while it lasts.

This weekend has been thankfully boring. Although I did drive a friend and her daughter to Anaheim yesterday cuz she needed to get back home. I wasn't too thrilled about having to drive to LA, but hey, I am not one to turn down a favor for a friend, especially when she needed to get back home.

I watched When A Stranger Calls the other day, and it was pretty decent, though I thought the ending was too abrupt. It was almost like they ran out of time or something and needed to just end it. But, it was a nice, taut, tense thriller overall, and good entertainment. Not on the level of Halloween, (but then, what is?) but still decent.

Time to get back to vaccuuming. WOO HOO! YES! I love to vaccuum! (just kidding. I haven't gone THAT nuts yet).

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