Thursday, May 25, 2006

Soul Patrol!

The Soul Patrol has triumphed. Yes, the gray-haired Taylor Hicks was crowned the newest American Idol. Am I surprised? Yes and no. No, because he had never been in the bottom 2 or 3 in the vote-getting, and yes, because he is not your typical American Idol. He has gray hair. He dances worse than me. He sings like Eddie Money or Joe Cocker, and not like some Backstreet Boy. He is so energy-filled, it is almost tiring to watch him. But, America voted, and he is the king.

So where did Katharine go wrong? She had the voice and the looks (face it, the girl is beautiful) to win. She just didn't pick good songs and wasn't as charismatic as Taylor. I think what really sealed her coffin was that last song she sang in the finale. It sucked! And what sucks more, is the fact that it was chosen for her by the producers or some other people who apparently hated her enough to saddle her with one of the crappiest songs ever written. Taylor's final song was much better, but that isn't saying much. What Taylor has going for him is that he can take a crappy song and make it good. Katharine couldn't do that.

I heard rumors that Taylor was gonna change his hair color. Well, I took it upon myself to check out a few new hair colors for him.

Here he is as a blonde:

now here he is as a brunette:

and here as a redhead:

here with black hair:

and here with the punk rocker look:

I think he looks great with pink hair - lol.

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