Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Get out of my temporal lobe, House.

Well, my dentist trips are over.......for now. I got my 4th filling done this morning. Not too much pain actually. My mouth is still sore from where he stabbed me in the mouth with the novacaine shot, but other than that, it was a piece of cake. Cake...ugh. Cake = sugar. Sugar = cavities. Bad reference. (even worse is that I am drinking a cherry Dr Pepper from Sonic as I type - lol)

I have decided that I no longer like anything that tastes or smells like piña-colada. And this is all the dentist's fault. The stuff he puts in my mouth before he does the actual shot tastes and smells like piña-colada. And the novacaine itself tastes like piña-colada. Piña-colada = BAD! Me no likey!

I am officially removing Matt Leinart from my hot dudes list. You know why? Because I read that he is involved with Ms Skank Queen herself, Paris Hilton. Good lord, Mr Leinart. You can do way better than Drama Queen Hilton. I am now replacing him with Hugh Laurie. He is on top of my Hot Dudes list, and shall remain there forever (as long as he does not become involved with Skank Hilton).

Speaking of Mr Gorgeous, the episode of House last night was really, REALLY good. I am so looking forward to tonight's conclusion. But someone needs to kick Dr Foreman in the ass for what he did to Dr. Cameron. If no one else does, I will! What he did was very asshole-ish. For shame, Dr Foreman. For shame. (I know it's just a show, but it is a damned good one). There was one line in the show that just cracked me up. When Dr Foreman said, "Get out of my temporal lobe, House," I laughed my ass off. I love the dialogue in the show. It's dry. It's witty. It's just great. Watch it!

1 comment:

Netter said...

I'm with you on the HOUSE topic...very good last night indeed. It is tied as my favorite show on TV....I also like Gray's Anatomy....I want George as my own little awkward doctor lover boy. I know you already have dibs on I'm picking George...not the real actor but the character. I'm living in a dream world right now.

Anyway, yeah Forman is a real dick, isn't he. Last week was bad enough when he did that article on the same thing Cameron was working on. Then when he told her they were not friends....bastard. I guess it was good he was being truthful but ewwwww.

Pina colada...eww coconut....if my dentist dared to stick that crap in my mouth I would probably deck her. Speaking of dentist...I'm going the day after my birthday...6 month cleaning. you know I spent $4000 on dental issues last year. Ouch...2 root canals and a crown. Dentistry is a real rip off.

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