Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Better late than never

I finally got around to blogging today. I have been busy working on the scrapbook I made of pictures from Alana's birthday party, which I am gonna give to Alicia as a present. Alana got a lot of presents, so I figured her mom should have one, too It came out really cute. I wanna make a scrapbook for me next, but I really have nothing to put in it - lol. Maybe I will make one someday. I do have lots of pictures from my various camping trips.

This work day is almost done, which is good, since I am tired and my hands are achey from all of the cutting I did today. I also had to make some baby booties for baby shower favors (made out of paper), and after cutting out 20 of them and putting them together, my hands have had enough! Yeowch!

It is hot outside, and I am SO not looking forward to getting out of this cool building and getting into my 120+ degree car. Ugh. Why do summers have to happen? Why? I hate getting all hot and sweaty. (well, if I am gonna end up all hot and sweaty, I want it to be because of something other than driving my car, if you catch my drift - haha).

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