Thursday, June 08, 2006

I am getting sleeeeeepy

I am sooooooo sleepy. I am taking this new medication called Mobic, and what do you wanna bet that that is the reason that I am sooooooooo drowsy. I think I will take a nap at lunch - lol. The freakin' medicine cost me $30 since they have no generic, so it better work. I guess I shouldn't complain too much. Without insurance it would cost $243. I don't know why medicine is so expensive, but it sure as shit is.

Speaking of shit, I have been reading that Britney Spears and K-Fed (or as Perezhilton calls him, K-Fag) are breaking up, which we all hope is true since ever since she met that man, she has gotten skankier and white-trashier than ever. Why she ever hooked up with that dude, we'll never know (let's face it, K-Fed is about as attractive as Donald Trump's hair and about as smart as Jessica Simpson's left eyebrow). Hopefully, she'll ditch that man before he ends up spending all of her money and corrupting her kids. With the mouth on him, it is highly likely that the first word Sean Preston utters will be "f*ck."

Anyway, here is a picture of Brangelina and their new baby:

Ok, so it's not a real picture (I did some creative editing with Paint Shop - hehe), but I don't want those dumb wads at those magazines to sue my broke ass. So there. You will see the pictures soon enough at the supermarket checkout line, if you are THAT curious. Frankly, I am not, but I guess it beats staring at the floor while waiting in line at the supermarket.

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