Friday, June 09, 2006

Blah blah blah...and more blah

It feels like this Friday took forever to get here. I think I say that every week though - lol. I always get here on Fridays feeling like a zombie, and today is no exception. I don't think there is enough caffeine in the world to wake my lazy butt up this morning. Yawn.

I usually try to start out my day with a blog entry, just to help wake me up and get me in the "work" mode. But this morning, I really have nothing interesting to say (not that I EVER have anything interesting to say in the first place, but I digress). Work is, well, work. It is hot in Bake-O. Gas prices are still high. Blah, blah, blah.

I did read that KISS will be releasing men's and women's colognes soon, which doesn't strike me as a very good idea, cuz when I think of KISS, I think sweat and big boots and lots of make up. And frankly, I don't wanna smell sweat or to find out what the inside of one of Gene Simmon's boots after a concert smells like. But that is just me.

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