Saturday, June 24, 2006

Cheesy movie report

I watched the most God-awful piece of trash movie ever made the other night. It was even worse than the worst Steven Seagal movie (and that is BAD). It was called Miner's Massacre and it played on The Sci-Fi Channel. It was beyond cheesy. It was beyone brie. It was even beyond feta. It was pure limburger! The acting was horrible, the so-called "special effects" were anything but special, and the premise was just stupid. And I feel stupid for having watched it. I think I watched it out of disbelief, thinking that there was no way a movie could be so bad. But, oh, it can be THAT bad. Oh can it!

Be afraid. Not of some evil miner, but of the writers and producers of this movie. Be very afraid.

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