Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I'm Mr Heat Miser, I'm Mr Sun...

Holy hell, it is gonna be hot today. It is supposed to be in the triple digits here for a week straight. Ugh. It is the first day of summer today, and it sure came in with a burn. I truly despise, that is.

Last night, a new episode of Dirty Jobs was on. Poor Mike Rowe. First he went to do something with coal ( I kinda missed this part, but I know he got dirty - lol). Then he went on to do some oyster shucking. But the best part was when he got to tear down the Rose Parade floats. I never knew just how much went into those suckers. Damn. By the time they got done with tearing down the float, it was nothing but a pile of rotting flowers and fruit and pieces of steel. That rotting fruit looked damned nasty, and even though you can't smell what he is smelling, I could tell that it smelled absolutely foul. YUK! He nearly hurled on the float - lol. I think his suggestion for a vomit float for next year's parade was a good one - hehe.If you haven't seen Dirty Jobs, watch it. It is hilarious, and it will make you feel better about your own job (unless you work in a sewer, that is). Check out on the Discovery Channel at 9pm on Tuesdays, and check out their website (click HERE to go there).

Mike Rowe: "Do I wash my clothes? No, I burn them."

Lunch time is fast approaching, and I REALLY don't wanna go outside to go anywhere for lunch (cuz it is already about 90 degrees outside), and I am REALLY not in the mood for beef stew (today's cafeteria special), so I think I will stay at my desk and take a nap - lol. I am sleeeeeeeepy. I took 2 Tylenol PMs before I went to bed last night and still woke up twice last night - grrrr. And I realllly didn't wanna get out of bed this morning, but here I am. Yawn.

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