Monday, June 26, 2006

It's draggin' ass Monday, and yes, mine is draggin'

God, it's Monday again. I hate Mondays. I hate them. I hate them! The only consolation I have is that I will be inside this nice, air-conditioned building while it is blazing hot outside, and it won't go on my PG&E bill - hehe. It is 8:30 am and already 86 degrees outside and the humidity is about 40%, which is high for us in B-Town, and I, frankly, am just not used to it - lol. It is pretty bad when the high temp is gonna be 105 and the low is gonna be 80. I looked and the low in Death Valley, one of the hottest places on the planet, is 89. The low temp here is only 9 degrees lower than one of the hottest places on earth. That is just plain wrong! Plain wrong I tell you! WRONG!

I am already getting a headache, too. I just sincerely hope it doesn't become a migraine. Oh please, spare me a migraine. Please!

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