Tuesday, June 27, 2006

PETA in bikinis

There is a protest going on across the street at KFC. It is a big protest. It is a 4-person crusade to keep people from going to KFC. Yes, PETA is protesting outside of KFC....and some of them are in bikinis.

Granted, it is hot outside, but do you think people are gonna take you seriously when you are outside in the 100+ degree weather in bikinis and high heels, waving around a sign like a lunatic? If anything, you are gonna attract KFC even more business (probably of the male kind), and maybe a few "customers" of your own. It is Union Ave after all (to those non-Bako people, Union Ave is well-known for the hookers who roam the streets, holding down their corners). Too funny. Only in Bako would people protest in bikinis.

Hope they wore sunscreen!

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