Saturday, July 01, 2006

Must Suck TV

After watching some REALLY cheesy movies tonight, I am dubbing the Sci-Fi Channel as "Must Suck TV." Earlier today, this stupid movie called House of the Dead was on. It was about these stupid kids who go to an island for a party and end up being food for zombies.

Later, I was "treated" to this movie called Jolly Roger, which was about some silly pirate who liked cutting people's heads off and making stupid jokes while doing it. I don't know what was worse...the acting, the stupid death scenes or me for having watched it. Just when I think I have seen the lamest movie on earth, I see another movie that is even worse.

Next up is Jason X. Yeah, Jason. He STILL isn't dead. After all of these movies, why is Jason still so mad??? He got the stupid campers and avenged his mother's death already, so why is he still so pissed off? He needs to take a vacation. And somebody get that boy a prescription for some valium!

At least tomorrow the annual Twilight Zone marathon starts. That will redeem the Sci-Fi Channel for a few days at least.

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