Monday, August 07, 2006

Funny Stuff From Dave Barry

Quiz To Determine What Type of TV You Need

Question 1: Are you a male?

HOW TO SCORE: If you answered 'yes,' then the type of TV you need is what is known technically as a 'bigger TV than the one you have.' A true man cannot own a TV that is too large. Even as you read these words, there's a guy somewhere who just bought a TV with a screen the size of a regulation volleyball court, a screen which a human nostril looks like the entrance to the Lincoln Tunnel. This guy is standing in his family room - which had to be enlarged for this TV - and he's looking at the screen, and he WANTS to be satisfied with it, but he's troubled by the nagging suspicion that, somewhere in America, in another family room, there's a guy who has a bigger diagonal.

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