Tuesday, August 08, 2006

How soon is too soon?

I am sick of hearing how it is "too soon" to be releasing a movie like The World Trade Center. Just how soon is "too soon?" 1 year? 5 years? 10 years? 100 years? Yes, it was a terrible tragedy. Yes, it resulted in the loss of many people's lives. Yes, it left many children without mothers and/or fathers, and it crippled our country's spirit. But life must go on. I know a lot of people may want to bitch-slap me for this, but I think it is a good idea that this movie was made, and I, for one, want to see it.

Before 9/11, people were so indifferent to each other. Before all of that happened, if you were lying, bleeding in the street, people would just walk past you. Indeed the events of 9/11 were a tragedy, but it also showed the nation that we could rise above. What happened during 9/11 is that people banded together to help one another. It took a terrible tragedy to make us come together and work together. What is wrong with making a movie celebrating the human spirit? Nothing, as far as I can see.

The movie is about 2 men who went back into the World Trade Center to help rescue people and, in turn, got trapped themselves when the building collapsed. It is the story of the rescue effort to free the trapped police officers. The movie is their story. It is a story of heroism and survival. Just because 9/11 was a tragedy does it mean that these men's story cannot be told? I know I haven't seen the movie, but from what I have heard, the movie does more to focus on the rescue efforts than the actual tragedy of 9/11. The movie's main interest is in showing how people can rise above tragedy to help their fellow man. I don't see anything wrong with that.

But then, a lot of people will. But to them I say, if you don't want to see it, then don't. It is as easy as that.

But, please, don't bitch-slap me.

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