Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Hooked on TV

I keep thinking it is Tuesday, but it is, in fact, Wednesday. Normally, I would be happy about it being Hump Day, but I just got asked to make baby shower favors for a baby shower which is gonna be on Saturday, so I basically just have tonight and tomorrow to print, cut and put together 40 paper baby booties. No pressure there! It, of course, would be way easier to just go out and buy some, but I am the creative type you know. Sometimes being creative is such a freakin' curse. Plus, I am cheap.

I am hooked on a new show. Well, it isn't NEW, but is is new to me, since I don't have Showtime (see aforementioned comment about me being cheap). It is a series called Dead Like Me, and it is superrific! It comes on the Sci-Fi Channel at 7 & 8 pm on Tuesdays. It is all about this young woman named George who gets hit by the falling toilet seat from the space station Mir and gets killed. Not only does she die in a most embarassing way, she now has to take on the duties of a Grim Reaper in her afterlife, a task which she is most unhappy about. She has to deal with her overbearing grim reaper boss, Rube (played by Mandy Patinkin, who is fantastic in this role), and her obnoxious boss at her regular job....yes, the undead have to hold down jobs just like the living. It is hilarious! I want to buy the DVD's now - lol.

Ugh. I am getting so many grey hairs. I need to color my hair again but I am just too lazy. Besides, if I think of the grey hairs as natural highlights, then it sounds a lot better.

Some new movies are coming out soon that I want to see. Gotta see Pulse, since it is a remake of Kairo, the Japanese original. I am a huge fan of Japanese horror films. I just love their creepiness factor. The Grudge 2 is coming out on October 13th. I liked the first one ok enough, but the Japanese version (Ju-On) was better...way creepier. But the sequel has Sam Raimi as a producer, and everyone knows I LOVE Sam Raimi's work. And the director, Takashi Shimizu, is the same guy who directed the 1st one. Maybe he will be able to get that creepiness factor back, since it was lost in the 1st one. The trailer looks promising at least. And then there's The Wicker Man, another remake of an old horror film. But I wonder why they are gonna remake that one since the original was so good. Everyone knows what happens when Hollywood tries to remake good films...remember the remake of Psycho?? Of course there is also the much-hyped Snakes On A Plane. I wonder how that one will turn out. I would like to see The Descent and Little Miss Sunshine and Clerks 2 (no, I haven't made it to the theatre to see it yet). Gosh, I am coming up with a long list! I just ordered a movie called Audition. Yes, it is a Japanese horror film. I am so obsessed.

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