Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Stupid News Story of The Day

(Oh, what some people won't do for a homegrown tomato.)

Cops: Man stabs 2 in tomato theft attempt

DES MOINES, Iowa - A man faces robbery and assault charges after allegedly stabbing two homeowners who chased him when he tried to steal tomatoes from their garden on Saturday.

Police said Elmer Pace, 53, was eventually caught by Mark and Mick Daggy after fleeing on a bicycle. Police said Pace stabbed Mark Daggy in the left side and slashed Mick Daggy across the wrist.

When officers arrived at the scene, Pace was being held down on the ground.

Mark Daggy was treated at Mercy Medical Center while Pace was taken the Broadlawns Medical Center for treatment of his injuries.

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