Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Men Suck because....

1) They NEVER call.
2) They cannot say the dreaded "L" word.
3) A romantic evening is easily spoiled by 3 words..."Bears vs. Cowboys"
4) They cannot understand why we women need an hour to shop for shoes.
5) When they get grey hairs, they look distinguished. When we women get them, we just look old.
6) Commitment? What is that? And why do you need it?
7) They never send you a birthday, Christmas, or any kind of holiday card. Or a present for that matter.
8) They never send you flowers unless they are in trouble.
9) It takes them just 5 minutes to get ready and look great, whereas it takes us women hours.
10) It takes them years to decide whether or not they love you, but only minutes to decide if they want to sleep with you.

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