Thursday, December 02, 2004

Internet perverts tick me off!

Ok, what I want to know is WHY do guys feel it is necessary to bother me while I am online, with a stupid instant message like, "Hey baby, wanna see my cam?" or "I'm naked and horny. Talk to me." Makes me wanna gag. I don't have anything on my profile advertising that I would want to see that kind of crap. I mean, not EVERYONE in the world is a pervert. Why would ANYONE want to see that? What is the point? So what if the guy is naked.....everyone is naked at some point during the day! I mean, people have to shower! I get on my computer to play games or do crosswords or do a project or write here in my Blog.....NOT to be harassed by stupid guys (and girls!) who want to be all perverted. Get a life ! I bet their mother's are REALLY proud of them, all naked and doing gosh knows what else on a web cam. And then when I tell them I don't wanna see them, they have the nerve to tell me I am a prude, or I must be frigid, or I must not like sex....or whatever other kind of insult they can come up with. I think it really bothers them to be rejected or something. Frankly, I am NOT a prude or frigid, and I am not a sex hater. I am just normal (well as normal as a person can be). And if that is a sin, then let me go straight to hell.

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