Wednesday, December 01, 2004

A few words about PMS

Men are lucky. They don't have to deal with the whole PMS thing like we women do. Ok....they indirectly have to deal with it, I will give that to them. But dealing with it on a personal, emotional and physical level, well, just sucks. And it doesn't just sucks big, hairy donkey balls (that is my new catch phrase of the moment). I mean it is not just the nastiness which is tampons and maxi is a whole 'nother ball game. First, there is the bloating, which makes putting on shoes and pants a challenge. And it is just darned uncomfortable, too. It is feeling like you have gas and are going to explode at any moment. Does that sound fun??And then there are the cramps. I have RA (or lupus....whatever the doctor decides...but that is another story!) and fibromyalgia, and having to deal with pain on a daily basis is just a part of life for me. But to ADD to that pain is just plain wrong! Oh yeah, you can take Midol or other pain relievers to "get rid" of the pain...and I say "get rid" because they NEVER completely get rid of the pain. And of course the pain usually extends to your back, which just makes sitting up so incredibly cumfy (haha). Oh and then there is the emotional side of PMS....the side that makes me cry every time I see some commercial for the SPCA with the little kittens who need a good home...or those St Jude ads...or sometimes, when I am especially emotional, ANY commercial with a baby in it will start up the tears.And the reverse often happens too. I mean there are times during PMS when I just want to flat out whack that danged driver who just took my parking spot, or lay the smack down on that person who just took the last package of Oreos! And it is not because I am insane....or maybe I am. Maybe PMS is just a nice term for temporary insanity. And all of this stuff happens BEFORE the actual "M" happens. And all of it continues until the cycle is over. So, basically, a good (or bad) 10 days out of the month I am "temporarily insane." And men wonder why we are so tempermental! Good lord! If they REALLY knew what goes on in our minds when our hormones are totally out of whack, they would understand and maybe show us a little smidgen of sympathy. So, with that thought in mind, I am gonna go lie down with a bowl of Oreos and watch a sad

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