Monday, November 29, 2004

Turkey Day Distress

Well, now that Turkey Day is finally over, all I can say is "thank goodness." With all the eating, traffic, and football games, I am surprised I am actually still sane. I spent my holiday at my grandmother's house, and , although I love my grandmother and my family, I could only stand to stay there for 2 nights. First of all, she keeps her house VERY must have been 90 in there. I actuallyhad to go out of the house to cool off. And I can't quite understand why she keeps the heater on all day and night, yet leaves the bathroom window open. I am sure that will be something I won't be able to answer in my lifetime. Secondly, the bed which I am forced to sleep on is about 40 years old, and the mattress has places on it where you can actually feel the mattress springs with your hands. And if you can feel them with your hands, you can only imagine how they feel on your back! Thirdly, and this is perhaps the most important part of why I could only stay for 2 nights at my grandma's, is she only has one television And, Turkey Day is full of football games, and this year, James Bond marathons on tv. I think if I hear the James Bond theme song once more time, I will scream! Just say "NO!" to James Bond....and also to those Orange County Chopper people on The Discovery Channel...they also decided to have a marathon. So after we got done eating turkey, the rest of the day was spent at my grandma's with my dad flipping between James Bond and OC Choppers. UGH!!!! I could have complained, but it would not have been nice. Anyway, now that Turkey Day is over, I can only look foward to Christmas, which undoubtedly will be full of marathons of "It's a Wonderful Life", and "A Christmas Story." ... you know, that movie with the little blonde-haired kid with glasses who nearly shoots his eye out... at least I like that movie. But hopefully, I can spend my Christmas evening in my house, or at my folks' where there is more than one tv set.

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