Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Almost time to go home for the day

It is nearly 5 o'clock, which means it is almost time to go home for the day. I wish I got off at 5, but I am here til 5:30 (more grumbling). We had training today, which was boring, and the room was hot. Felt like the heater was on (grumble grumble). I sat here at my desk and did my bills, which induced more grumbling, but at least they are done....for this month. Now I have to go to the bank after work and take my car payment in, since I was sick and couldn't do it yesterday (grumble). Then I have to go to the grocery store (grumbling very loud), which I HATE to do. I am still grumpy cuz I am not feeling all that well, thus the grumbling. Normally, I don't grumble all day long...just in the mornings. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

Oh yeah. I just read that Britney Spears confirmed that she is, indeed, preggers. So much for all her hating on the media, since this time they got it right. Be on the lookout for Cheeto-flavored baby food coming to a local grocery store near you. Let's just hope it's not a boy...he'll be wearing a "Pimp" sweatshirt in no time.

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