Saturday, April 16, 2005

Rocking and rolling in Central California

As I was getting dressed no more than 10 minutes ago, my place started shaking and the stars on my ceiling started moving back and forth...yep, it was an earthquake. I sat on my bed for a minute wondering if the shaking was going to get any stronger, and when I decided it was ok, I just sat there and enjoyed the ride. Earth shaking is just one of the "perks" of living in California.

Of course, I had to look it up to see where the epicenter was (since I am a nerd like that).

Magnitude 5.1 - CENTRAL CALIFORNIA 2005 April 16 19:18:12 UTC Preliminary Earthquake Report California Integrated Seismic NetUSGS/ Caltech/ CGS/ UCB/ UCSD/ UNR

A moderate earthquake occurred at 19:18:12 (UTC) on Saturday, April 16, 2005. The magnitude 5.1 event has been located in CENTRAL CALIFORNIA.

35.021°N, 119.174°W

0.4 km (~0.2 mile) (poorly constrained)


19 km (12 miles) N (356°) from Pine Mountain Club, CA

19 km (12 miles) WSW (256°) from Mettler, CA
21 km (13 miles) E (101°) from Maricopa, CA
36 km (22 miles) SW (222°) from Lamont, CA
40 km (25 miles) SSW (199°) from Bakersfield, CA
137 km (85 miles) NW (322°) from Los Angeles Civic Center, CA

so the epicenter was pretty close to home. Luckily it was only a moderate earthquake, so nothing fell off my shelves, but it did wake up Squeakers, my hamster - lol.

Wonder if there will be any aftershocks - lol.

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