Thursday, April 14, 2005

Any more of this and my head will explode

I used to complain about having no work to do at work. I used to. Now, I am kinda glad I don't, cuz today, so far, has been crazy! My supervisor is out ill, so that leaves me alone with all the new peeps. My old supervisor, Lydia, is here, so she can grant all the expedites, thank goodness. But since the trainees need someone to go with them on their interviews for the time being, I was struggling to figure out some sort of way to either clone myself or cut myself in two so I can be in two places at the same time (since the trainees' interviews were at the same time, OF COURSE!). Luckily, Molly was able to cover Ommar's interview at 8 this morning, but I had to cover both Ommar's and Jose's appointments at 10 - that was a tad difficult. Luckily they both had "easy" clients (by easy, I mean homeless and/or with no income or resources). Then I had to go with Sylvia to her 10:45 appointment, which we didn't get out of til about 12:20. So, I had to take a late lunch. But at least Los Tacos was not busy like it normally is. Now I can finally take a breather . . . whew. What a morning. And it is only 2 pm now. We have an early 7 am staff meeting tomorrow, which means I will have to get my lazy ass out of bed early to be here by 6:30 am at least. I am not even gonna try for 6 am, cuz I know that will never happen! I am NOT a morning person... at all. At least we have casual Fridays :)

Ok...on an off note, what were Americal Idol voters doing last nite? Why was Anthony not in the bottom 3? Why the hell was Bo in the bottom 3? That was total BS. Now, Nadia, yes, needed to go home, but Anthony or Scott surely needed to go home before her. Ugh. I guess I can't complain since I don't vote, but I expected people to have more sense. I guess I overestimated people's intelligence on that one. If anyone deserved to be in the bottom 3, it was Anthony. He is inconsistent and often off-key. Maybe I am a little too into American Idol - lol.

South Park, however, was, as Cartman would say, hella funny. Poor Butters! And you think Cartman's anal probe was bad! Yikes!

Well, things have quieted down a little here at work. We'll see how the rest of the afternoon goes.

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