Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Wednesday morning

I was driving to work this morning, and was stopped at a stoplight, when I noticed the crossing guard walking a little girl across the street in the crosswalk. I couldn't help but to think that being a crossing guard must be one of the worst jobs in the world. First of all, it has got to be boring. I mean, you have to sit and wait for a kid to come along to give you something to do. And you have to be there whether it is raining, snowing, hot or cold. Secondly, it is a dangerous job. Think about it. A crossing guard's job is basically to put himself in harm's way so a kid can cross the street "safely." Basically, this means that you are there to get hit by the car instead of the kid. You would be a bigger target after all. I wouldn't rely on your whistle and stop sign to get people to stop. I have seen plenty of cars just go through a regular stop sign and not stop. I don't think the same drivers are going to stop just because there is a person in the crosswalk holding up a stop sign. Heck, they rarely stop to let a person cross the street in the crosswalk. Nope, not a job that I would care to have. Don't want to get run over today, thank you very much.

I read that that woman who supposedly found a fingertip in Wendy's chili is not going to sue, and that she was being investigated because she has filed so many lawsuits in the past already. Looks like she may have planted the fingertip in the chili herself so she could sue, which leaves one to wonder where the heck the finger came from! Yuck.

I thought that maybe the Britney Spears being pregnant story was all a really bad dream, but then I just read it again and see that it is true...sadly true. What was the girl thinking marrying that loser? And now she is going to have a kid with him? She should have stuck with her dogs for the time being.

As if that wasn't bad enough, Pamela Anderson is getting a new tv show. I smell a, pardon the pun, ratings bust.

I also read that some pharmacists are not filling prescriptions for birth control pills and "morning after" pills, because of their "religious convictions." All I know is, if that I went to the pharmacy and they told me I couldn't have my birth control pills because they "morally objected" to their use, I would be pissed ! What right do they have to deny someone that? That would be like a grocer not allowing an adult to buy beer or cigarettes, because they don't approve of their use. Or a pharmacist not wanting to fill a pain killer prescription because they believe pain is good for you. Good lord! What is this world coming to? Maybe I should not come to work because I morally object to the concept of work. HA! Let's see how that flies - lol. If these people do not want to fill prescriptions, then maybe they should find another job.

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