Wednesday, April 27, 2005


I am pissed. For one thing, the stupid phone company did NOT come fix my phone line today like they said they would. I came home and my phone was still dead. I checked online to see the status of my repair issue, and it said that no problem had been reported. WTF? The lady on the phone said they would be out here this morning between 8 am and 12 pm. Liar, liar, pants on fire. I guess I will have to call them again tomorrow and stay at home and watch out my window to make sure they actually come out here. Ugh.

The other thing that pissed me off tonite was that on American Idol, they didn't send Scott home. He wasn't even in the bottom 3! Do people not even listen to the singers? Why do people like that damned Scott so much? He sucks! They, instead, sent Constantine home. Constantine! (of course, he did suck ass last night). American Idol voters have sunk to a new low. I am debating whether I should even watch the stupid results shows anymore. That Ryan Seacrest is such a dork. And Paula pretty much repeats everything Randy says. If they made Paula go first on the judges critiques, I doubt she would know what to do. Simon may be harsh, but at least he tells it like it is.

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