Wednesday, May 25, 2005

And the American Idol is....

... Carrie! Wow! I am surprised. I figured with all the girls out there voting, Bo was sure to win ... of course, I like Carrie's voice better, but then, Bo is just so sexy! lol. I woulda voted for Carrie had I actually voted. I am really glad she won. She is just super nice and has a great personality ... and her voice is flawless. You go girl! Finally, American Idol voters got it right and the 3 people who were in the top 3 actually deserved to be there. Thank goodness Scott didn't make it into the top 3. Had he made it, I would have lost faith in the show. Thank goodness there was some real quality in the show this year. I can't wait to see what next season's competition will be like.

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