Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Oh Itchy Day

Well, I am back in the city after spending the weekend in Yosemite. How sad. I had such a great time that it just seems wrong to be cooped up in an office. On the down side, I got bit by bugs or got into something that caused this rash on my upper right leg and oh man does it itch! They say if you just don't think about it that it won't bother you....ha! That is a load of BS. It started with one little spot on my leg that started itching as we were leaving Yosemite, and since then, it has spread. Calomine, take me away!

I decided to take a week of vacation in late June. I was at my folks' house yesterday and my brother suggested we go to the Grand Canyon (YESSS!!!!). That is a destination on my "Want to See" list. I can't wait!

My brother's house is almost complete. He said they close on this Friday and he already got some furniture to put in there. I can tell he is excited about moving in. The house really looks nice.

Alicia is still pregnant...lol. I keep expecting any day to hear some baby news, but Alana has not made her appearance into the world just yet. She must be all cumfy and cozy in there and doesn't want to come out!

A friend at work brought me a bag of cherries and I have been eating them all day long. Boy are they good! But if I keep eating them, I am bound to get sick. But oh what a good way to get sick ... lol.

Tomorrow is Wednesday....Hump Day...yippee. Tonite is American Idol night. Will it be Bo or Carrie...only time will tell. I have a feeling it will be Bo that wins it though. We shall see.

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