Sunday, June 26, 2005

The end of a vacation

Well, it's Sunday...the last day of my vacation. Tomorrow, it is back to work....back to the daily 7:30-5:30 grind. It was a nice 10 days off. I got to go camping and see the Grand Canyon and Big Bear. I got to see lightning and hear the thunder. I got to spend a few days with my family. And I got to go to Las Vegas. This weekend, I have been a complete, lazy ass. I haven't done much, because I have been worn out and in need of sleep. In spite of the benefits of being able to sleep in and goof off during a vacation, I don't think I could take another week of this. I think a week off here and there is plenty. Does that mean I am glad I get to go back to work? Hmmm...that is kind of a yes and no answer. Yes, in that I get to do something other than stay home in the heat, and I get to see my friends, and no, in that I have to get up early.

I need some aspirin. My arthritis/fibromyalgia is acting up and my body hurts and I am so exhausted. I also have a freaking headache to top it off. My body is already rebelling against the whole going-back-to-work idea. Sorry, body, but this is how it has to be. How else do you think I am able to pay for all the gas and stuff to go camping and out of town? Work is such a bitch, but a necessary one. Or maybe it is money that is the ultimate bitch...Somehow, I think it is.

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