Monday, June 27, 2005

Some things that confuse me...

  • Why is it that a smile is sometimes harder to make than a frown?

  • Why do words sometimes hurt more than being physically hurt?

  • How does an airplane fly? It is so heavy.

  • Why do some people hate other people just because their skin is a different color?

  • Why is love so revered, yet so feared at the same time?

  • What really happened to Amelia Earhart?

  • I believe in ghosts and life in outerspace, but I have no proof of either one of these things existing.

  • Where does the universe begin?

  • If man is so advanced, then why do humans act like animals most of the time?

  • Why is it when an animal, such as a bear or a wolf, hurts or kills a human being, the first thing we want to do is go out and hunt all the bears and wolves down? Humans hurt or kill more humans than animals do. Should we hunt and kill off all humans, too?

  • Why did people decide gold was so valuable instead of something like granite or flowers? What is it about gold that makes it so special?

  • Why do we get wisdom teeth if we only have to get them pulled out?

  • How did the Egyptians make the pyramids? They are so huge! And the rocks used to make them must have weighed tons. How did they have the technology to create them so long ago?

  • Why do I think so much? lol
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