Monday, June 27, 2005

Serial Murderers in the News

Well, it looks like Mr Rader, the accused BTK Killer, has confessed to 10 murders in Kansas. Just the other day I heard how he was complaining how the media was hurting his marriage (he said his wife was going to leave him.... DUH!!!). And we are supposed to feel sorry for him? I think not! What a sicko. He killed not only adults, but also children. And to think that in his "other life" he was a former church leader and formerly held a job in home security. Yeah...I feel really safe now knowing that some serial killer used to work in security!

I heard that some nurse who had confessed to killing 24 patients, has not admitted to killing 5 more patients, bringing his total to 29. You can't even go to the hospital nowadays without being afraid of getting killed. Ugh!

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