Thursday, June 30, 2005

Love...Tabloid Style

It must be hard living in the spotlight. You can never have any privacy, and you are constantly hounded by photographers, who, in any other situation, would be viewed as stalkers. When you get engaged, you don't get to be the ones to share your news with your friends and family. No, they have to read about it in the tabloids. When you are expecting a child, every stage of your pregnancy is talked about in every magazine on the newsstand. In fact, your whole life story can be found in the pages of newspapers, magazines and on the television. You have no mystery. And when you try to keep something private, tabloids make up stories saying you have something to hide.

That is why I feel sorry for people like Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner; Nick and Jessica; Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, and other celebrity couples. I read online today that Ben and Jen's marriage was confirmed, after all that tabloid speculation. It seems like even marriage is not sacred to the tabloids. Pretty soon, of course, they will be reporting that they are having problems. Just like Nick and Jessica have been hounded about time and time again. Every marriage is going to have some problems. If they didn't, there would be no need for marriage counselors. And if they are having problems, what business is it of ours? It is something that they have to deal with. What happened to support? I think the media is just waiting for some celebrity couple to break up so they can have another "breaking story." That's all it is. Just fodder for the press. And lord knows that distress stories sell better than those boring "happily ever after" tales.

Even the ones who go public with their romances are criticized for being too "out there." Like Tom Cruise, for example. Who cares if he is making a show over his affection for Katie? He obviously is happy. What is so wrong with expressing it? I don't think there is anything wrong with it. Personally, I would be pretty happy if my man were to show some affection like that once in a while. I am sure that if they were secretive about their romance, they would be criticized for that too. Maybe those who criticize him are just jealous that they don't get that kind of affection displayed towards them. Makes you wonder.

So I say, you go Tom. I am not gay or anything, but Katie Holmes is very beautiful, and frankly, if I were a man and had a woman like that, I would be pretty happy too. They seem happy, and they both seem like nice people. When you are in love, everything is beautiful. Days are brighter; the grass seems greener on every side of the fence. People should celebrate love. Look at all the poems and stories revolving around love. It is the one thing that makes life truly worth living. Maybe these tabloid reporters have forgotten how love feels. I say, let them celebrate it. Atfer all, as it goes in Hollywood, it won't be long before the tabloids put them in with the "celebrity couples in trouble" category. At least they can go to Nick and Jessica for help in that area. They are already veterans.

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