Wednesday, June 29, 2005

"Fun" At The Doctor's Office

I had to go to the Ob/Gyn today for my annual "well-woman" exam. Whoopdeedoo! I don't think I could have taken much more excitement. (Of course, I am being sarcastic). I had to take off all of my clothes and dress in these paper garments. By the way, why do the doctors leave the room when you get undressed? They are going to see you naked anyway! But I digress. Now, most women will agree with me when I say that this is not the most comfortable situation to be in. For one, the doctor basically feels you up and then inserts a cold, metal spatula like thing into your vagina and then afterward, he pokes around in there with his finger while pressing onto your pelvis. It is suggested that you pee before going to this exam, as I found out today. All that pressing made me have to go pee SO bad. I could hardly wait to get out of there so I could use the bathroom - lol. It is rather embarassing, because all the while the doctor is poking around your boobs, he is asking how work has been going, what you have been doing, etc. It is not very easy to look at the doctor while he is poking your boobs, and even less easy when he is poking around in your vagina with a metal object. Of course, I had to have the "special" speculum cuz my cervix likes to tilt upwards and hide...nothing is ever easy with me. The whole procedure is not painful or anything. It is more embarassing and invasive than anything else. I always end up lying on my back and looking up at the ceiling, muttering an occasional "pretty good" or "it's going ok" or something like that. At least I only have to have that once a year.

I don't think I would ever want to be an OB/Gyn. I wouldn't want to look at boobs and vaginas all day long. I have my own, and I don't even like to look at my own that much! Also, I don't think I would want to marry an OB/Gyn either. Think about it. He would be spending all day long looking at other women's boobs and vaginas. Then when he was getting all smoochy with me, he would be feeling my boobs, probably feeling for lumps or looking at my nipples and making sure there wasn't any discharge or whatever else could be wrong with them. He would go down on me and probably be looking to see if my vagina looked ok, asking me if I was having any pain when we were having sex, etc. And then would probably conduct practice exams on me. Or worse, be not interested in sex at all. He spends all day looking at boobs and vaginas....that is his job. I don't know about you, but the last thing I want to think about when I get home from work, is work!

1 comment:

Mindy said...

Amen sister! LOL

I hate going to the gyno. A necessary evil I suppose.

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