Sunday, March 26, 2006

No news is good news

Another Sunday night is upon me. Which means tomorrow it is back to work. I must admit, I did kick some ass at work on Friday (which was overtime). But it seems like the caseload is not getting any smaller. Ever feel like you are working your ass off to no avail? Well, that is how I am feeling right now...overwhelmed.

And it isn't just me. I think everyone in our division is feeling stressed. This is the first time in a long time where I have felt like I am in over my head. I told you I was gonna go gray!!! lol.

I didn't do squat yesterday. I felt like I just needed to take a whole day to rest. But today, I did go to the grocery store, which is something I hate doing. I just hate putting all that shit in my car and then having to take it out again when I get home and haul it all upstairs and put it away. If I lived in a downstairs apartment, I would probably have less of a problem with grocery shopping that I do now...but only slightly less.

My mom called me today and told me that my aunt Marge, her sister, is not doing so well. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer over a year ago, I think. I guess the CA test (or something - I forget what it was called) was way high, which isn't good, and they are running out of experimental treatments to try on her. Ugh. I just lost my grandma to cancer. I am just not ready to go to another funeral just now. My mom did say my aunt Helen was doing ok though, which is good. I am always worried about her being alone and all and in a wheelchair (she has MS), but I guess she has someone who comes to her house to help out with stuff a few times a week, which is good. She is the nicest person and never complains about anything. Knowing that my aunts are having to deal with such bad stuff kinda makes me feel like an asshole for complaining about my aches and pains.

Well, I am going to bed. Got another crappy day at work coming up. I can't wait.

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