Monday, March 27, 2006

SBC can kiss my ass

Always make your requests to stop a service...whether it be phone, PG&E, writing. Cuz lord knows if you tell them verbally, they won't get the picture. It seems like when you are on the phone with someone in customer service telling them you want to stop your, let's say phone service, their IQ immediately goes down by 100 points. They ask you questions like, "why," and then try to offer you some incentive to stay, and no matter how many times you tell them , "no," they seem to think you really mean, "yes." And then when you tell them to shove their phone service where the sun don't shine, they just offer you another incentive to stay. Then when you offer an incentive such as some vasoline to lube that phone service so that it goes up their ass easier, then they SEEM to get the picture. But they really don't.

Well, that is what happened with my SBC phone service, and why I am no longer with them. A while back, my phone was messed up. The phone would ring, and people could leave messages, but when I tried to dial out or to answer the phone, all I got was static. This went on for a while. I tried new phone jacks. I tried switching phones. And finally, when I could stand it no longer, I called the phone company to get someone out to take a look at the line.

Well, the first time I called them, a woman answered, and I am so pissed off at myself for not writing her name down. I explained my problem to her, and she ran some sort of test from there on my line. She told me there was a problem with the line and that she would send a technician out to look at it. Fine. Good.

Well, when I got home, all excited and expecting my phones to work, I picked up the receiver to check it out, and .....static...grrr. What the hell? There was no note on my door or anything from SBC and since it was after 6 pm when I got home, I couldn't call the customer serivce til the next day. More Grrrrr.

Well, when I called back the next day, I was told that there was no record of my phone call. At this point, the grrr was more like GRRRRRRRRR. I was so pissed! Well she supposedly ran some test on the line and said there wasn't a problem with the line but she could send someone out to look at it anyway. By this time I was confused AND pissed. Not a good combo.

Well, at work, I get a call from the phone company tech telling me that my line is ok, and that it is probably some internal problem inside the apartment which they are not responsible for. GRRRRRRRRRRRR!

A few weeks later, I get my phone bill and they had charged me $55 for the tech to come out to basically do nothing but play around with some wires and call me and tell me "sorry Charlie." Now, I was beyond pissed.

Well, after all this shit, I called the company back and told them to just stop my service altogether cuz I was tired of getting the runaround. Then she asked me "why" and offered me some incentive....and, well you can see how this turned out...hehe.

Welllll....I guess they didn't keep a record of that call either, cuz my mom called me today saying some credit service called them asking where I was cuz SBC had reported me to the credit bureau for unpaid phone bills (which I never got by the way) GRRRR!! So, I paid it, even though I am still pissed as hell. make a long story short, ALWAYS make your request to stop your service in writing, cuz you just can't trust the customer service people on the phone.

Maybe telling them to shove their phone service up their ass wasn't such a good choice of verbage on my part either.

But the vasoline part was a nice touch - lol.

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