Thursday, April 20, 2006

I like cheese!

My friend, Arlene, wrote me an email and told me that she had a dream last night that I was getting married, and asked me when I was gonna get married. Well, Arlene, I DON'T KNOW! She is the one with the engagement ring and doesn't even know when she is getting married and here I am, ringless, and she is asking ME when I am. (lol). Sometimes I wonder if that day will ever come, or if there is anyone out there crazy enough to actually want to marry me - lol. I am not saying that I am a BAD or crazy person, but I have my moments. (hehe) So, in answer to Arlene's question, I don't know. She wrote me back and told me that I will get married someday and so will she. Apparently, Miss Arlene is psychic - lol.

I was watching Dirty Dancing the other day, cuz lord knows they play that movie on tv at least once a day, and found myself wondering what happened after the end. Did Johnny and Baby ride off into the sunset together in Johnny's car and live happily, dancing, ever after? Or maybe, Johnny decided he wanted to dance the mamba and Baby wanted to dance the tango so they broke up over creative differences. Who knows. I know it is just a movie. I know the movie had a happy ending so we should all just be happy that Baby and Johnny got to dance that last dance together and leave it at that. But I wanna know the REAL ending. I told you I was crazy! lol.

Dirty Dancing is one of those feel-good movies that is geared toward a female other words, it is a chick flick. It has the suave leading man and the naive girl who find themselves falling in love, in a period of 3 weeks mind you. It also has some of the cheesiest dialogue imaginable ... Nobody puts baby in a corner. When is the last time a guy has come up to your parents and told you that? (how about never). They say these grand things to each other and he teaches Baby how to dance like a pro (in 3 weeks, mind you). And she tells him that she is afraid of walking out the door and never feeling again, in her whole life, the way she feels when she is with him. Awwwww. I know no one has ever said anything like THAT to me before, and I know I have never said anything like that to anyone else. I may have FELT it for someone before, but I never spoke it aloud. Despite all these cheesy moments, we "chicks" love this flick. I don't know why, but I like it, too. Probably because it does have the happy ending. The naive and kinda clumsy girl gets the cool dude. I guess we "chicks" can relate to Baby. We all wanna be loved.

Anyway, I have nothing else to write about right now. So I am just rambling on like a fool who has nothing useful to say. I am just glad the weekend is near. Tomorrow is our flex day, so that means no work for me. I guess we are scheduled for more rain tonight and tomorrow. Figures. I need to clean my fish tank and my hamster homes and clean up the patio. Gosh that thing is a mess. The wind keeps knocking over my fake tree that I have out there, and I just leave it leaning cuz I figure it will just fall over again. I am tired of having a mess out there, so this weekend I vow to clean it!

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