Wednesday, April 19, 2006

News and other junk

Well, the Tomkitten (as the media has dubbed it) has arrived. I don't know what all the fuss is about. It's a baby, not a cure for cancer. No matter what you think about them, you know their baby is gonna be cute. And Suri is not a terrible name. It is better than Hazel, Apple or Moon Unit - lol.

I was watching Hannity and Colmes on tv yesterday evening with my folks at their house (and that is the only place I will watch news shows - lol), and this woman on their program angered me so much that I was calling her an asshole and a crazy front of my parents. (I don't normally cuss in front of my parents - lol). I guess her and the members of her "church" , the Westboro Baptist Church, (I say "church" because they only have around 100 members) have been protesting at soldier's funerals, holding up signs that say things like "Thank God for dead soldiers," and shit like that.

Like this fool...

And even more nutso is the fact that they feel that they are justified in doing so. Even Sean Hannity was telling the woman that she is nuts. She just sat there, with a vacant grin on her face, looking a lot like the Enzyte dude's wife, and then proceeded to tell the audience how God is angry and every dead soldier is a curse on America, and that the families of the fallen soldiers deserve to be punished for defending a country that accepts homosexuality. What a crazy bitch! She sounds (and looked) like she had been brainwashed....or maybe she is just crazy. I can see why their "church" only has 100 members. Because most people agree with me.......they are nuts! If they hate America and think that God hates America, well then get the f*ck out of here! It will be 100 less crazy people for us to deal with.

I wore these socks today, knowing that they would fall down everytime I walked, but I wore them anyway, cuz I was too lazy to go looking for another pair. Serves me right. I am a lazy, sock-falling-down fool - lol.

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