Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The idols sing the classics

Well, it was classics night on American Idol tonight. Overall, I thought everyone did great...except for Kellie. Oh, poor Kellie. She just couldn't keep with the timing of the song at the end and just lost it. Chris, as usual, did an awesome job on one of my favorite songs ever, "What A Wonderful World." It really showed a different, and equally good, side to him. Paris was great. Taylor's song rocked (it did start out so-so, but he really got into it at the end). Katharine was amazing. Elliot sang well, but it wasn't his best performance. Even I admit that it was one of the weakest performances of the night, but I still like Elliot and still root for him. Ace did fairly well, although, personally, I liked Adam Sandler's rendition of the same song that he did in The Wedding Singer better - lol.

My bottom 3 for this week, based on tonight's performances only, would be: Ace, Kellie and Elliot (sorry guy!). I hope Ace gets booted this week.It is definitely his turn to go.

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