Friday, April 21, 2006


Lordy. Today was a busy day. Being that I was off from work, I took the day and ran errands. I got the oil changed in my car (which took them an hour to do since they were busy), picked up my pictures at Target, went to Michaels to get frames, went to the UPS store to get a box and packing stuff so I can mail out Cyndi's present tomorrow (yes, I FINALLY got down to the danged store - lol), and even went to the mall. I got 3 tops and spent like $10 - pretty cool, huh. (gotta love sales and coupons!!!) I framed up the pictures and they turned out awesome. I did a good job on em if I don't say so myself. (hehe).

This evening, we got treated to a lightning and thunder show. I love to watch the lightning. It is so powerful and deadly, yet strangely beautiful. I had to get a better look, so I got in my car and drove to the outskirts of town where there were no buildings to obstruct my view, and I just sat there and watched for like a half an hour. I tried to take pictures, but it is very difficult to take pictures of lightning .

See. It is hard to get a good picture! This was my pathetic best shot of the night - lol.

Oh well. I tried - it was tough without a tripod - I took the pic on my front porch. My tripod was in my car at the time, and it was pouring down rain, AND I was in my pj's. So, no way was I running to my car to get it. I woulda gotten soaked!

It was definitely a cool night. We don't get lightning very often. My mom says I am crazy for wanting to get closer to see it better. Perhaps I am. But I LOVE IT!

1 comment:

Netter said...

Girl! Be careful...that is all I ask. When I was home over Easter, a young girl in the next county was struck by lightning and killed, two people near here were in critical condition. Nebraska has great lightning storms...well great storms period...I grew up in tornado alley and on the Sat before Easter there were several twisters on the area. A few farms were destroyed, ect. The lightning in Nebraska lights up the sky like daylight...its that bright and the thunder will rattle your windows like crazy. Honestly, I used to love the lightening storms when I was growing up. Neat picture though.

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