Monday, April 17, 2006

No pain, no gain?

Well, this is one of the first times that I have gone to the dentist to have a filling done where I haven't had to have a second shot of novacaine. This appointment was fast. I was in and outta there in 30 minutes! And it was relatively painless. The shot of course didn't feel too good, and there were a few spots when he was drilling that were kinda painful, but I didn't say anything or else he woulda stopped and given me another shot. But as long as it wasn't screamingly unbearable, I figured, what the hell.My mouth is now numb, and so is my tongue, and everytime I talk I end up biting my lip and/or tongue. So I am just gonna sit here and shut up for a while. I am sure my coworkers will like that - hehe.

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