Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Crazy little thing called love

"Love is everything it's cracked up to be…It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. "~ Erica Jong

I was talking to a friend last nite about love, and he said that he didn't think love was worth all the pain and trouble it causes. You can imagine that I completely disagreed with him and told him that it, indeed, was worth fighting for. Just because something may cause you pain doesn't mean it doesn't deserve to be tried out or done. If that were the case, there would be no need for a Superbowl or a World Series...the lightbulb and airplane would never have been invented...there would be no policemen or firefighters...there would be no doctors or airline pilots... no babies would ever be born, and thus mankind would cease to exist. Some things really are worth fighting for and going through pain and suffering. Many things in life come easily or without a price to pay. But how often do you really remember those things? How often do you take those things for granted? I know most of the most memorable things in my life are the things I have done that have taken a toll on me, whether it be physically or emotionally. Graduating from college was one of those things. Sure it caused a lot of stress and I had to work my as* off to get through it, but I did it, and I am proud of myself for doing so. I don't really remember most of the easy classes, because I didn't have to work hard in them to get a good grade. It was the math classes and the music classes and the literature courses that really tested me, and those are the ones that I remember and are most proud of myself for completing and doing well in. Even the math classes that I didn't do so well in I really feel proud of myself for completing, because, for me, math is very difficult, and the fact that I didn't just give up and throw in the towel is a major accomplishment for me. The things in life that make you think or make you struggle to accomplish are the things that you can really look back on proudly, and being able to say "I did it."

Some people may think that love is not something difficult or could not consitute being called a major accomplishment, but those who say that are mistaken, or may have never been in love before. I have been in love, true love, once in my life. Ok, so you may be saying to yourself, " can she possibly know anything about love?". Well, once is all it really takes to know a thing or two about love. I may not know everything there is to know about it, but I DO know, and I am absolutely sure, that love IS worth fighting for. I have had some bad relationships. I have seen the good, bad and the ugly (very ugly) sides of relationships. I have been with the abusive boyfriend...the thief...the cheater. I am not saying that those are things you should put up with. I am not saying that at all! If I would have been smarter at the time, I would not have ever put up with being physically and emotionally abused by someone who "supposedly" cared about me. But those are the lessons you learn, and nothing in life is learned without some sort of struggle. But, and this is a big but, true love, real love, IS worth fighting for. When you find that someone special who you can completely relate to, and talk to about just anything, and have a strong bond with and treats you like you deserve to be treated, you would of course try your best to keep that relationship going. You can't just give up because you have one lousy fight. If that were the case, EVERYONE would be single and miserable.

In my case, I did fight for love, but he didn't want to fight for me, and I accept that because I am not the kind of person who would force myself on anyone. I gave it my very best effort, but you can't MAKE someone love you. And the more you try to do that, the more you end up pushing people away. I would rather be friends with him than nothing, because he is a wonderful person. I just want someone to fight for me. Love is not a take, take sort of thing. It requires some giving too. You can't do everything yourself. If you could, there would be no need for maids or nannies, and the like...but I digress.

Love is a wonderful and beautiful thing. It is what inspires poets and artists, songwriters and authors. If it were so easily attainable, I don't think many people would strive so hard to work for it. It is a great motivator, this thing called love. It is the ulitmate reward of life.

"For one human being to love another, that is perhaps the most difficult of all our tasks, the ultimate, the last test and proof, the work for which all other work is but preparation." ~ Ranier Marie Rilke

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